I must tell you all about a Belly Dancing class I used to go to, I will not name any names but if you are ever interested and want to join any classes, email me and I will be happy to provide you with advise for things to watch out for.
I joined the Belly Dance class, initially I thought it was super. The best. I felt I was learning and improving.
In any class, people attend for various reasons whether it is just for a laugh or to learn. Also, you always see other dancers from a personal perspective, things that they are doing right so that you are inspired to be like that or exceed, or you see something that isnt quiet right. That you also can learn from by ensuring that is correct for yourself things like posture or hand positions. In any class, in my opinion people are at different standards. People will learn differently. This is not a criticism. This was encouraged by the teacher, as she got you to perform at the end of the class for feedback. Before I was only concentrating on myself.
This teacher always encouraged regular attendance, as it was not the fair on the others who had been there having to go over the same material. I never missed a class part from holidays.
I became unhappy in the class. We started choreography for a routine, and we had been on the same part for 6 weeks. Due to poor attendance, or people not remembering. 6 weeks! 6 weeks of money down the drain. The teacher would do what this one particular person would ask for and people supported because they knew her. I asked her, if she just would perform the next piece so I could take something home to practise. I emailed the teacher to say I would like to move to the advanced class. I feel I would fit in and would enjoy the class more. I had no reply.
So in the next class, I would like to progess and move to the next class. This was the teachers own idea, as for a while she had been saying that at the start of the year, that she would review and move people across classes. She never did this.
Her response was that if you are not happy with my class, find another class. And I do not think that you are a good enough dancer to be in the next class! I found this very rude. As a teacher, which she kept callling herself if someone is not happy, its her job to sort it, and not to tell someone they are not good enough and to find another class!
So i did, I left class and did not text her once. Whenever anybody leaves class, she always takes the time to ring or text to see how they are and if anything is ok. I never once received any such contact from her.
In my opinion, even in the advanced class which I always saw the end of - people were at different standards, i.e fast learner, slow learner. And personally I felt I could fit in the class. This was not a criticism of such, it is fact. Everyone learns differently.
Out of the blue, many months later, she sent me a rude email which she called a polite acknowledgement. It was far from polite. To me there was no need to send an email unless she was going to ask about returning to class, or how I was, etc. Which she never did. The email was presumptious.
So i thought I would be honest with her, as for all the time I was there, she never had regular attendance from anyone and a lot of people missed class. So i thought my honesty would help her.
She came back with a rude response, that I am a teacher, I am in no position to judge others and dictate who goes to which class. (all i said everyone is at different standards and learn differently) And she was not going to stand there whilst I insulted her class students or her class planning! (I never insulted anyone!) Coming from a teacher who for our class, came without any planning and see it how goes style. Started choreography part way through the song, because she had not decided on the rest of the music piece! Who encouraged feedback, etc. If I am in the audience, paying to see or visit - I will have an opinion and that ia my right.
Hello, where did this come from? As a student and as a person who is paying £5.00 for a class that never started on time, I have every right for an opinion and for input. I never judged any of the dancers, in fact it was this teacher who got us to perform at the end of every class to look at others and for feedback. To see if we could spot what was right or wrong and to learn from it. That is how I was learning and improving! Then to criticise me for it and jump on me for it! She also wanted to increase class prices and cd prices - i know how quick they are to burn and how much you can pay for it.
I found this very rude. What do you think?